Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Vision and Living Within the Autistic Spectrum, including Vision Therapy

Time: 6PM

Topic: Vision and Living Within the Autistic Spectrum, including Vision Therapy

Speaker: Carl G. Hillier, OD

Description: Dr. Hillier will be discussing “Vision and Living Within the Autistic Spectrum,” including Vision Therapy.  Vision Therapy  is an individualized, supervised, treatment program designed to correct visual-motor and/or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies. Vision Therapy sessions include procedures designed to enhance the brain’s ability to control:

* eye alignment,
* eye tracking and eye teaming,
* eye focusing abilities,
* eye movements, and/or
* visual processing.

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Succeeding in College with Autism or Asperger Syndrome

Ann Palmer
Ann Palmer

Time: 6PM

Topic: Succeeding in College with Autism or Asperger Syndrome

Speaker: Ann Palmer

Description: Ann Palmer has 13 years experience working with families of individuals with autism at Division TEACCH and has coordinated a volunteer parent mentor program at five TEACCH Centers across the state of North Carolina. Ms. Palmer is currently  Director of Chapter Relations for the Autism Society of NC,  and coordinates over 40 parent support groups.  Ms. Palmer is the mother of a young adult with autism, Eric; and  the author of  Realizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome  A Parent’s Guide to Student Success For more information, go to

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Autism and the Holidays: Lessening the stress and the expectations, while maximizing the enjoyment

Dr. Esther Hess
Dr. Esther Hess

Time: 6:00pm Pacific

Topic: Autism and the Holidays: Lessening the stress and the expectations, while maximizing the enjoyment

Speaker: Dr. Esther Hess

Description: Holidays are a stressful time but they don’t have to be when you learn these tips.

Time: (time of webinar. ie. 6PM)
Topic: (Title of webinar in Bold)
Speaker: (Name of Speaker)
Description: description of the event
Virtual Autism Conference

Autism Walk Today

Ernest at Autism Walk
Ernest at Autism Walk

I went to the autism walk today and really enjoyed myself. There were thousands of people there at Angel Stadium in Anaheim (Orange County). Lots of booths featuring autism related services and of course lots of food. I hope they reach their targets. More later..

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

How to Handle Tantrums: Suggestions for Challenging Behaviors

Have you ever wondered how to handle tantrums in public with your child? The answer is found in the Suggestions for Challenging Behaviors webinar last month hosted by Dr. Cathy Pratt and moderated by Chantal Sicile-Kira.

Transcript Excerpts:

Chantal: Okay. Helen for New York asks, how do you control tantrums of the child with Autism, who is language deficit, when out at parks and supermarkets. Now I know you don’t know where the tantrums are coming from in a question like this, but how do you consider dealing with tantrums when you are out in public?

Dr. Pratt: You know, I think when you’re out in public and child has a tantrum, if you can all get out of the situation, then I would do it. Because at that point, you’re just in a situation where you’re, again you’re in a crisis mode. And…and…and the child, calming the child down when they’re in the presence of a lot of people may be really difficult. Just other people’s reaction may have a tendency to bring the behavior on stronger. So I think in those situations, you just have to think about how…how am I going to alleviate the situation and minimize as much as I can.

Chantal: Because you’re right, when you’re out in public to, safety is the number one issue.

Dr. Pratt: Right…yeah. An you know the other thing…I mean I’ve been in situations where I’ve seen people fight with kids in public and try to suppress their behavior. And it really becomes, I think really umm, a demeaning situation for the family and for the individual themselves. Because people don’t understand often times. I mean I always hope there’s greater community awareness, but I know that still, many folks don’t understand the kids and what families are going through when they have, when they see behavior problems.

Chantal: Right. And it is embarrassing when you’re out in public and something like that happens, but…

Dr. Pratt: Right. I mean, I think that in those situations, instead of thinking how am I going to control? How am I going to teach the child a lesson, at that point, the question should be is, how am I going to minimize this situation? And you know, try to make it the least as possible. One of the things that becomes important and also when you look at behavior is, there is something called a chain of behavior or behavior chain. And what a behavior chain is that there are usually kind of signs that you see that a child is having some anxiety.

Kids really seldom, although sometimes they will, really seldom go from zero to a thousand in terms to their behavior. At, but instead often times you will get some warning signs that something is going to come on. So the ideal in this is to start identifying what those settings…what those warning signs are, what those behavior chains are. Like I was in a classroom recently with a child and you know, first of all, what he started doing was a lot of self talk and then he started doing angrier self talk and then he raised his fist and then he pulled his hair and then he agressed. And in my mind when he was at that point, when he was talking under his breathe, that’s the point when I would have intervened, instead of waiting for the behavior to get out of control.

If you want the full 47 pages of transcripts and 2 hours audio for this webinar please click below
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Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying


Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying Based on Nick Dubin’s book Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying (2007 Jessica Kingsley Publishers), this webinar will explore the etiology of bullying among the Asperger population while offering strategies for empowerment geared towards teachers, parents, schools and individuals with Asperger’s themselves. Statistically, the vast majority of children with Asperger’s Syndrome will experience frequent bullying. This seminar aims to provide real answers to help curb this destructive trend.

Speaker:  Nick Dubin, M.Ed., Psy.S

Nick Dubin, M.Ed., Psy.S

A neuropsychologist diagnosed Nick Dubin with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2004. Since then Nick has been a passionate advocate on issues  relating to the autism spectrum. Dr. Dubin has a Bachelor’s degree in communications from Oakland University, a Masters degree in special education from the University of Detroit Mercy and a Doctoral degree from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.  Dr. Dubin authored three books and produced three DVD’s, all relating to the autism spectrum. Nick lives in the greater Detroit, Michigan area and currently works on his next book about ASD and depression. For more information, visit:

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Social Skills: Practical Tips to Help Your Child with Asperger’s Syndrome Be More Socially Accepted


The two guests will share from a professional’s  and parent’s point of view  and insights gained about how to help Asperger’s children become more approachable, less stuck, and finally able to make, and keep, a friend or two (Based on their new book: QUIRKY, YES–HOPELESS, NO  Practical Tips to Help Your Child with Asperger’s Syndrome Be More Socially Accepted).

Speaker:  Dr. Cynthia Norall

Dr. Cynthia Norall
Dr. Cynthia Norall

Dr. Cynthia Norall is a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) and a nationally certified Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist.  Currently, Dr. Norall is the Clinical Director of C.A.S.E. Inc. and an Educational and Behavioral Consultant in many school districts around San Diego and Riverside counties.  In 1992, Dr. Norall realized that she wanted to work with children and teens diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders but did not know what avenue she would take.  Then in 1996, it came to her — behavioral therapies, developing appropriate educational programs for persons with similar communication and social challenges, would be her focus.  She is trained in ABA, DTT, PECS, PRT, TEACCH, Floortime (DIR) and social thinking (MGW). Dr. Norall has coauthored with Beth Brust the book  QUIRKY, YES-HOPELESS, NO: Practical Tips to Help Your Child with Asperger’s Syndrome Be More Socially Accepted. The book is a is a helpful, reader-friendly A to Z guide to understanding the most common struggles of children and teens with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Educational Therapies for Autism

Speaker: Dr. Joann Lang, PHD

Dr. Joann Lang
Dr. Joann Lang


Educational Therapies with Dr. Mary Joann Lang covers applied behavior analysis, speech therapy assistive technology, art, music, pet therapy.

Different therapies used in the educational setting are discussed in this webinar including applied behavior analysis, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and social skills training. Assistive technology, home-schooling, curriculum, self-stimulatory behaviors, the importance of sibling groups, the need for respite for the parents are also explored. Other therapies such as pet therapy, yoga, music therapy, art therapy, and hippo-therapy are discussed as helpful adjuncts to a more traditional education.

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Marriage and Autism: What You Need To Know


Marriage and Autism with Dr. Robert Naseef covers effect of autism on the family, strengthening and maintaining your  marriage.

In this web-based conference call, Ernest Priestly discusses the effects which raising

autistic children can have on marriages and other domestic relationships. The speaker,

Dr. Robert Naseef, offers expert advice to listeners, discussing how to strengthen and

maintain a marriage or relationship where an autistic child is involved, dealing with

the attitudes of family members and friends, explaining disabilities to children

themselves, and choosing the best course of treatment for your child.

Speaker: Dr. Robert Naseef

Dr. Robert Naseef
Dr. Robert Naseef

Dr. Robert Naseef has practiced for over 18 years as a psychologist and as a consultant to numerous schools and human service organizations. He is a graduate of Temple University. He specializes in families of children with disabilities and has published several articles on the subject, including the book Special Children, Challenged Parents: The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child With a Disability.  He also answers questions for readers of and co-edited Voices from the Spectrum (2006) with Dr. Ariel.  Dr. Naseef presents locally and nationally on issues related to family life with special needs and has a special interest in the psychology of men.

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Casein and Gluten Free Diets


Casein and Gluten Free Diet with Betsy Hicks covers the benefits of diets for  children with autism, healthy eating, recipes.

In this webinar , Betsy Hicks discusses the many aspects of the casein and gluten free diet, healthy eating, gluten-free flours, healthy oils to cook with, buying organic meat directly from farmers, casein free milks, how the diets help children on the spectrum, how to find the healthy products to cook with, where to find easy and appetizing recipes.

Speaker: Betsy Hicks

Betsy Hicks
Betsy Hicks

Betsy Hicks, is the Co-Founder Pathways Medical & Holistic Centers located in Wisconsin. Betsy Hicks is hailed as one of the most innovative teachers on achieving whole body wellness through diet and nutrition. Author, radio host and video anchor, she serves as Pathways diet counselor, public education coordinator and oversees the practices’ day-to-day operations. As the mother of a son with autism, she also speaks nationally on holistic interventions for children with disabilities.  Betsy specializes in overcoming “picky eating” and finding creative and practical techniques for inspiring children and adults to enjoy a variety of foods.