Free Autism Webinars Each Month

How to be an Advocate for Your Child

Date: Wednesday September 29th, 2010

Time: 6PM

Speaker: Areva Martin, Attorney at Law

Areva Martin

Nationally recognized expert on autism advocacy Areva Martin shares her hard-won knowledge as a parent of an autistic child and an individual rights attorney. In The Everyday Advocate, she lays out vital and relevant step-by-step instructions to parents facing the seemingly impossible odds of advocating for a child with autism.

Parents need to become activists for their children’s rights to services and learn how to safeguard those rights-both in school and in the larger outside world. An invaluable resource, The Everyday Advocate offers practical, real-world actions that work, lists helpful websites and organizations, and gives parents and caregivers the emotional support they need as they face the challenge of successfully standing up for children with special needs.

Bio of Ms. Areva Martin

Known to audiences across the country from her regular appearances on The Dr. Phil Show, as well as CBS The Early Show, The Doctors, and various Fox News programs, Areva Martin is a quotable authority on workplace, disability rights, education, custody and women’s issues. Areva is also an accomplished and multi-award winning attorney,
syndicated columnist, author and public speaker who has also been featured on the pages of publications ranging from the New York Times to Ebony Magazine to Redbook and the LA Times.

The founding and managing partner of Martin & Martin, LLP, Areva was selected as one of Los Angeles’ Top Attorneys by LA Focus. In addition to being a sought after legal expert, Areva is also an inspiring author. Her second book, The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for Your Child with Autism was released by Penguin books in April of this year. What critics are calling the most comprehensive and compelling book to date addressing the issues of the special needs community and the importance of advocacy in this country, The Everyday Advocate is an Amazon best seller.

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Autism, Food Aversions, and Eating Challenges : Effective Answers That Help


Dr. Lori Ernsperger
Dr. Lori Ernsperger

In this webinar, Dr. Lori answers questions in regards to how to get children and teens on the spectrum to try new foods, how sensory issues can create sensory challenges, whether or not eating challenges should be addressed in the IEP, practical tips on what to do and what not to do at dinner time to encourage eating of different foods.

Speaker: Dr. Lori Ernsperger

Dr. Lori Ernsperger is from Henderson, NV where she is the owner of Autism and Behavioral Consulting. Lori received her doctorate in Special Education from Indiana University. She has over 23 years of experience working in the public schools as a classroom teacher, administrator, and behavioral consultant. Dr. Ernsperger currently provides staff development and conference workshops to school district personnel and parents. Her workshops cover the following topics: Managing Problem Behaviors, Implementing Effective Instructional Methods, Designing Appropriate and Functional Data Collection Methods for the Classroom, Practical Strategies for Working with Individuals with Asperger Syndrome, and How to Get Your Kids to Eat. Dr. Ernsperger is the author of: Keys to Success for Teaching Students with Autism and Just Take a Bite: Easy Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges, and  co-authored Girls Under the Umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Ernsperger can be contacted at

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Autism: Many Causes, Many Treatments : A multi-Treatment Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism


Today in the field of autism there are hundreds of treatment options, dozens of different theories, and thousands of organizations, centers, and professionals offering to help. While there is more hope than ever, families and professionals are faced with an overwhelming number of options which are often diametrically opposed. Which treatments are best for a particular child? How can you begin to sort through the choices? Jonathan Alderson specializes in merging best-practice strategies and techniques into cohesive customized Multi-Treatment Interventions. In this brief presentation he will share his insights into how to effectively combine treatments paying specific attention to phases of development, the order and timing of treatments.

Speaker: Jonathan Alderson

Jonathan Alderson

Jonathan Alderson is an autism treatment specialist working in private practice in Toronto. He specializes in merging educational and biomedical treatments through an integrated model he has developed called Intensive Multi-Treatment Intervention (IMTI). Alderson holds a Masters degree in Education from Harvard University and completed an Honours BA in developmental and educational psychology at the University of Western Ontario. He spent a year at the Sorbonne in Paris. Alderson worked for eight years at the Son-Rise Program in Massachussetts, completing over 1500 hours of one-on-one floor time as well as acting as Administrator and directing staff training. He has worked with over 2000 families, supervising home based intervention in the UK, Ireland, Holland, Spain, Australia, Israel and Mexico. Alderson has spoken at several international venues, including the Royal College of Pediatricians, University of Nottingham and is a guest speaker for the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation. Please find more information at