Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying

People suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome are very likely to develop a rather aggressive behavior. Yet, this bully tendency can be overcome by offering teachers and parents new strategies of dealing with Asperger’s Syndrome sufferers. Also, special training is available for Asperger’s individuals to help them cope with their bully tendencies more effectively.


Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying Based on Nick Dubin’s book Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying (2007 Jessica Kingsley Publishers), this webinar will explore the etiology of bullying among the Asperger population while offering strategies for empowerment geared towards teachers, parents, schools and individuals with Asperger’s themselves. Statistically, the vast majority of children with Asperger’s Syndrome will experience frequent bullying. This seminar aims to provide real answers to help curb this destructive trend.

Speaker:  Nick Dubin, M.Ed., Psy.S

Nick Dubin, M.Ed., Psy.S

A neuropsychologist diagnosed Nick Dubin with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2004. Since then Nick has been a passionate advocate on issues  relating to the autism spectrum. Dr. Dubin has a Bachelor’s degree in communications from Oakland University, a Masters degree in special education from the University of Detroit Mercy and a Doctoral degree from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.  Dr. Dubin authored three books and produced three DVD’s, all relating to the autism spectrum. Nick lives in the greater Detroit, Michigan area and currently works on his next book about ASD and depression. For more information, visit:

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