Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Inside My Aspie Mind with Taylor Morris

Taylor Morris
Taylor Morris

Time: 6PM
Topic: Inside My Aspie Mind with Taylor Morris
Speaker: Taylor Morris
Description: In this webinar, she will share with parents and Aspie teens what she has learned about getting along socially, how her Aspie mind is an advantage, and why she loves her “other” world.

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying


Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying Based on Nick Dubin’s book Asperger’s Syndrome and Bullying (2007 Jessica Kingsley Publishers), this webinar will explore the etiology of bullying among the Asperger population while offering strategies for empowerment geared towards teachers, parents, schools and individuals with Asperger’s themselves. Statistically, the vast majority of children with Asperger’s Syndrome will experience frequent bullying. This seminar aims to provide real answers to help curb this destructive trend.

Speaker:  Nick Dubin, M.Ed., Psy.S

Nick Dubin, M.Ed., Psy.S

A neuropsychologist diagnosed Nick Dubin with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2004. Since then Nick has been a passionate advocate on issues  relating to the autism spectrum. Dr. Dubin has a Bachelor’s degree in communications from Oakland University, a Masters degree in special education from the University of Detroit Mercy and a Doctoral degree from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.  Dr. Dubin authored three books and produced three DVD’s, all relating to the autism spectrum. Nick lives in the greater Detroit, Michigan area and currently works on his next book about ASD and depression. For more information, visit:

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Episodes: My Life as I see it


Ever wonder what it is like to be a teenager on the autism spectrum? Ever wonder what is going through their minds and how they see the world around them? Blaze Ginsberg, a young adult with High Functioning Autism, discusses his teenage years, his struggles and triumphs with school, his desire to “fit in,” and how he became the person he is today. His mother, Debra Ginsberg, will discuss what raising a teen like Blaze was like from her perspective.

Speaker: Blaze Ginsberg

Blaze Ginsberg
Blaze Ginsberg

Blaze Ginsberg is the author of Episodes: My Life as I see It. in 2002, Blaze Ginsberg was the subject of Raising Blaze, his mother’s account of her efforts to shepherd him through the public school system. The book covered eight years, from kindergarten through seventh grade during which Blaze was judged at various times to have learning disabilities, behavioral problems, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and an assortment of other conditions, without ever being definitively diagnosed. In 2007, at the age of nineteen, Blaze finally received a formal diagnosis of high-functioning autism.   Blaze has been writing short stories, poems, and songs since the age of nine. In 2006, he began writing his own book, a memoir which picks up where Raising Blaze left off, covering his years in high school and his first steps toward adulthood. Inspired by Internet episode guides such as and, his memoir, EPISODES, describes his life as a series of TV shows in which he’s appeared. For more information visit:

Debra Ginsberg is the author of the memoirs, Waiting: The True Confessions of a Waitress(HarperCollins, 2000), Raising Blaze: A Mother and Son’s Long, Strange Journey Into Autism (HarperCollins, 2002), and About My Sisters(HarperCollins, 2004) and the novels Blind Submission (Shaye Areheart Books, 2006) and The Grift (Shaye Areheart Books, 2008). A graduate of Reed College, she has contributed to NPR’s All Things Considered, is a regular reviewer for Shelf Awareness, and works as a freelance editor. She lives in Southern California. For more Information, visit

Free Autism Webinars Each Month

Aspergers Syndrome


Asperger’s Syndrome with Brian King covers sensory sensitivity, advocating in school, managing behavioral issues, difficulty focusing, positive aspects.

In this webinar, Chantal Sicile-Kira discusses the issues surrounding  Asperger’s Syndrome with speaker, Brian R. King. Topics such as sensory sensitivity, advocating for children at school, and managing behavioral issues are discussed in detail. Dealing with bullying, difficulty focusing, how to help manage different challenges, the positive aspects of having Asperger’s are also touched upon.

Speaker: Brian King

Brian King
Brian King

Brian King is a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Naperville, Illinois, and he  brings a unique three-fold perspective to the world of Asperger’s. Not only does he have two sons on the autism spectrum and a practice focused exclusively on working with Asperger’s  clients and their families, but Brian himself is also blessed with Asperger’s. Brian has become  known worldwide for his positive approach to living the Asperger’s experience, and he is  dedicating his time to serving as an ambassador between the Asperger’s and neurotypical communities. His goal is to help both communities learn to better communicate, appreciate,  and cooperate with each other in a spirit of mutual respect. Brian is also the author of a few  books, including I’m an Aspie.