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Autism and Family Life: Taking Care of Everyone’s Needs

One child diagnosed with autism affects the entire family, including the other children, the parents and grandparents. Yet, in order to cope with autism, the help of all family members is needed. Learn from Robert Naseef how to keep your family united and involve them in this life experience.

Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Time: 6pm Pacific (9pm Eastern)

Speaker: Robert Naseef


The diagnosis of autism affects the entire family.  This unique presentation combines the personal and professional perspectives of a psychologist who has raised an adult child with autism. The presenter is internationally known and extensively published. Combining real life experience with scholarship and insight, this presentation will include coping strategies for the family unit. Specific strategies and coping skills for meeting the needs of typically developing siblings, while strengthening and enhancing the parents’ relationship will presented based upon current research and best clinical practices.

Dr. Robert Naseef
Dr. Robert Naseef

Robert Naseef is a psychologist in independent practice. Special Children, Challenged Parents: The Struggles and Rewards of Parenting a Child with a Disability, his first book, has received international recognition. He has lectured internationally and appeared on radio and television. He is the co-editor of Voices from the Spectrum: Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, People with Autism, and Professionals Share Their Wisdom (2006). Living Along the Autism Spectrum (2009) is a new DVD which features him along with Stephen Shore and Dan Gottlieb.
Dr. Naseef’s specialty is working with families of children with autism and other special needs. He has published many articles in scholarly journals and other publications. He has “a foot in each world” as the father of an adult child with autism. He has a special interest and expertise in the psychology of men and fatherhood. Through his experiences as a parent and as a professional, Robert is relates to both audiences and is a sought after speaker around the country.
Rabbi Harold Kushner, the author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, endorsed Special Children, Challenged Parents.   In Rabbi Kushner’s words, “Writing with the wisdom of a mental health professional and the compassion of a loving father, Dr. Naseef has given us a book that will instruct and inspire us all.”
In 2008, Robert Naseef was honored by Variety, the Children’s Charity for his outstanding contributions over the past 20 years to the autism community. You can visit him on the web at

1 reply on “Autism and Family Life: Taking Care of Everyone’s Needs”

Question for Dr. Naseef? As the grandmother of a seven year on the autism spectrum, my heart is full of gratitude, love and acceptance. However, there are times when my grandson’s “wiring” gets “tripped” and in an effort to get him physically off his younger sister, so as not to harm her, he will attempt to kick or hit me. I no longer have to constrain him, and during the brief episodes I can usually get him to go to his “time out step” where he has learned to calm himself down. Although we share many moments of typical cuddling loving behavior, I’m still left with this ache in my heart, yearning for a time when he will be able to refrain from using his body to express his anxiety, frustration, and anger. Yes typical siblings use their bodies “he touched me, he’s too close to me, etc.” Autism adds another layer that sometimes becomes frightening. My responsibility is also to protect his younger sister and baby brother. Any advice for a Bubbie that wants to keep the boundaries of acceptable behavior while also understanding the limitations that autism causes within that realm. Thank you for your insight and help.

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